We Love Doug And Julie


We are We love Doug and Julie. I am Carolyn She (The black cat.) Is Clair ( Clairabell). I have always watched DOOL since day one at age four and in the hospital when I had cancer. I watch mostly with my grandparents And Uncle Tom. Most of my family doesn't watch but says is Stefano still on he's old as a cockroach? But my favorite isn't Stefano. It is the Hayes's. I just adore them and their on screen personality's they have been nice enough to send me and my grandparents Birthday wishes and also a Birthday message to paw paw which I posted here for viewing. I can really relate to Bill and Susan. The beauty and the 90 year old veteran singer . just like my grandparents maw maws pulchritudinous like Susan and paw paw is a 90 year old veteran who sings and enjoys it! The only difference is maw is a few months younger than paw paw . The Hayes's are as down to earth as my grandparents and soooo hard to dislike soo, Clair and I love the Hayes's and one day I hope to write a book Hayforthology rare Doug and Julie pictures and facts of the Williams and the Hayes's. On a side note: Bill and I are both singers and love it. ( I yodel he doesn't.)

god bless and enjoy the site CB and Care.